What We Do

Although not necessarily a unique idea of benefiting from group business network events, Juice is and will be the only female focussed and active network and mentoring group in Norwich.

As well as quarterly networking events exclusively for women business owners and entrepreneurs, Juice can offer:

  • Juice Network Membership

    Join the Juice Membership and get access to new contacts and expand your professional network. Membership includes your own access to a trove of resources including handy business tools, links and all Juice event presentations. As a Juice member, you will also receive discounted entry to all Juice events.

  • Juice Recommended Contacts

    Our platform is your platform, where you can offer your services and skills to other Juice members. Expand your professional circle and discover new business opportunities with other like-minded business owners.

  • New Business Mentoring

    Personalised mentoring and guidance for those who are just starting their business. We can offer tailored support to help you get off the ground, get started and succeed.

“Juice facilitates connections that can lead to collaborations, investments, and growth.”